General Questions

  • How quickly will I get access to the course once I enroll?

    You will be emailed the information you need to access your course immediately upon purchase and you should be able to login and access the course content within a few minutes.

  • How long will I have access to the course material?

    You will have a full-year of access to the course materials from the date you enroll. You can download and keep all of the resource pdfs, step by step instructions and printable homework checklists.

  • Can I watch the course on any device?

    Yes - this course should be viewable on any internet connected device with a reasonably current browser. The course is designed to be mobile friendly so you can watch on your tablet or smart phone.

  • Can I ask questions if there is something I don't understand about the material?

    We offer two versions of the course: An instructor-aided version that includes access to a professional trainer who will respond to any training related questions you may have.

    Our self-study version of the course is priced a bit cheaper and is intended for people who have done some training before and primarily want access to the videos and training materials.

  • How will I access support if I have trouble accessing the course or course materials?

    contact [email protected] Our response time is usually within an hour or two during the week but may be longer after hours and on weekends.

  • Is there a certificate for completing the course?

    Yes! Once you have completed the course you will be prompted to download your certificate from your student dashboard.

  • Are there quizzes and do I have to pass them to complete the course?

    The Foundation Obedience course does include short multiple choice quizzes at the end of each weeks lessons: we find that especially with the theory components of the course that it helps students solidify some of the concepts. Each quiz question will show the and explain the right answer and you can the quizzes as many times as you like.

    But... as they are primarily there to help you to review concepts we do not require a passing score to advance through or complete the course.


Video Training Questions

  • I have poor internet connection will I still be able to view the videos

    Our videos are highly optimized for fast streaming and there is a setting option within the video player that lets you set quality. This will allow you to select a lower bandwidth video to help you stream on even a relatively poor internet connection.

  • Can I download the training videos?

    The training videos are not downloadable (the videos are streaming only). This course does include many downloadable training articles, step by step instructions for each lesson, many resources in pdf format and our printable homework checklists.